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1a. Filters
Spotlist can be filtered detail
1b. Display & Hide column
Spotlists column can be displayed or hided
1c. Download spotlist
Spotlist can be downloaded
1d. Order by column
Spotlist can be ordered based on column
1b. Spots Filters
Date filter
Spotlist can be filtered by generic date
Channel Name
Channel names to be analyzed can be selected
Program Name
Program names to be analyzed can be selected
Channel Type
Measured, unmeasured or others can be selected
OPT or PT can be selected
Daypart Detail
Regular OPT, Early OPT, Early PT, Special PT or Late PT can be selected
Day of week
One or multiple day can be selected
Hour of day
One or multiple hour can be selected
Spot Type Detail
Spot type detail can be selected
The cost based on spots. This data is retrieved from ADEX
Impressions are the total number of exposures to TV ads.
Obtained through the ratio of the number of campaign ads viewings to the target audience universe selected. This data is retrieved from ADEX
Click "Apply" or "Clear"
Apply filters or clear filters